Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Confused ? Be Still !

It was a bright Sunday morning and I was all excited and ready to go to church. This Sunday I was at Seattle and had to meet up with a friend and go to church together. The church was almost an hour’s journey away from Downtown. As usual I promptly verified the bus timings and was at the bus stop well ahead of time to make sure I don’t miss the bus ‘cause I hate going late to church. As the clock kept ticking past the excepted time of arrival of this particular bus I grew anxious and became a little restless. Generally “King and County” bus service never runs late ! But seemed like today it was an exception.

The questions running across my mind – “did I actually see the wrong timings and I missed the bus ?”, “Why would the bus come late when I want to go to church on time ?”, “Is not God mindful of my good intentions ? ”, “should I forget about going to church today and just go back home?” I was quite upset and confused as to why something like this would happen on a happy Sunday morning and ruin the entire day. Nevertheless, I chose to let out a small but earnest prayer from my heart, asking God to intervene and help me. And I chose to wait for just a few more minutes before giving up !

Lo and behold, I could see at the end of that long road, the sun’s rays reflecting off the windshield and  glittering glass – it was the bus ! Finally I let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the approaching bus. But my happiness was short lived - I realized that the bus which was now right in front of me, is the one which takes a slightly different route. With no other choice I quickly hoped in. My disappointment only grew bigger. Already the bus was running late and now the route is different.

All these negative thoughts came to a full stop when this bus went over a bridge crossing the freeway underneath, which was a “Stand-Still” with traffic jam – the route which the actual bus I was waiting for would have taken. Suddenly there was this great sense of gratefulness in my heart, that I got into this bus. God is interested in the very small things of our lives and He is involved in them actively. If only we will “Be Still” and trust Him for his guidance, we will see that He is always faithful. 

Are you confused and worried about those small things piled up today ? Would you be still and allow God to intervene in those situations ? Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.

Let the serenity prayer be your prayer today :
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.