Tuesday, October 18, 2011

To my dearest brother,

First things first…
Life always takes us into newer plains. Sometimes it’s exciting and makes us happy but at times it might be scary and will make us anxious. But then the only hope with which you and I can move forward is this assurance we have – Because He lives I can face tomorrow! I know He holds my future and life is worth a living just because He lives. 

It’s been more than a year since I completed my bachelor’s degree. Now as I look back at those days I spent at college, there are many pleasant memories but I can’t deny the fact that I do regret a few things- things which I now feel, given a chance I would set them right!
But it’s all over! You and I know we can never change our past but we can always make use of our present to change our future.

Even as you get ready to venture into this new phase in your life, I would like to suggest a few important things which I urge you not to overlook but take it to heart.
It is imperative that we set our priorities right when we begin a new phase in our life. And it’s important that we take time to work this out so that we are sure we’re heading in the right direction.
For you – its college life! I would like to pass on the advice my parents gave me on priorities while I was at college.
First – God
Second – Family
Third - Academics
Fourth – Ministry
Before I explain these to you briefly, let me tell you that if you mess up with these, you will end up messing your college life. I don’t intend to scare you but would like to exhort you with this.

First – God
By this I mean your personal relationship with Jesus. Just as the Bible tells us “Seek first His kingdom and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you”. Make sure you have worked out a schedule for your regular quiet time and your prayer time. Ideally this should be your first slot in the morning as your start a new day. It is very refreshing to spend time with the Lord Jesus before we go out into the world with our own commitments. You will find strength for the entire day and His grace will sustain you through the rest of the day.

Second – Family
The only people who will stand by you at the end of the day, no matter what you have done or how you have messed up, will be your family! The Bible is very clear about the fact that we need to honor our parents. The best way to honor them is by obeying them. I can vouch for this with all my heart that it is a blessing to obey our parents. I am sure you will quickly make a lot of good friends who will become very close to you. But never let them take the priority your family deserves in your life by trading your relationships.

Third - Academics
This is the most important thing that needs to always be on the top of your mind. Never forget the purpose for which you have come to this new place – college! The sole purpose of you coming to college is to excel in your academics and bring out the best in you. You need to understand the fact that today we live in a world which is highly competitive and onlythe best survive. So do not let anything else occupy your mind other than academics while you are at college. Yes you can involve in all social, extra-curricular activities but not at the cost of your academics. This is another way in which we can honor God and our family – by excelling in your academics.

Fourth – Ministry
In obedience to God’s word it is our duty to tell others about Jesus and bring them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Find out ways in which you can do this, prayerfully. Always consult your parents before you get involved in a fellowship/church. But as far as I know, the best way in which you can attract other to Jesus is by living an exemplary life. You never know, your life might be the only Bible your friends and others at college might ever get to read. So be extremely careful about how you go about things at college because people are always watching you.

Having said all this I would only like to remind you that we are weak but He is strong. We stumble but He helps us get up again. I can’t assure you that the road ahead is going to be smooth but He will be there even through life’s perilous roads. Fear Not! Father Knows! Ask Him!

“…He is able to keep you from falling…”
~ Jude 24

With love,
Azariah Jerry Manuel.
Do you Lie ? 

  Johnny, Johnny ! 
 Yes papa… Eating sugar ?
 No papa… Telling lies ?
 No papa… Open your mouth ! Ha haha!

I am sure that on reading these lines, your mind is flooded with childhood memories, but does it also ring a bell, alarming you of the message they convey???

I still remember this incident which took place when I was a kid. As a family we were going on a long summer vacation. My mom had just cleaned the refrigerator and emptied it. We usually switched off the refrigerator while we are away on long trips. The ice cubes that were removed from it were dumped in a vessel. I was fascinated by those ice cubes and wanted to take them but mom strictly told me not to.

Finally when we were about to leave our house for the railway station, after the family prayer, my dad asks me if I took the ice cubes. I promptly denied! To my utter shock I was caught. I had filled my shirt pocket and trouser pockets with those ice cubes and they melted, wetting my clothes, giving away my secret act. How foolish I was!
You just smiled right???

Years later this incident kept me thinking as to how easily I could lie promptly. It was a hard realization, that even after so many years I still did find myself in situations like that, where lying was so easy and in a subtle way it had kept me its slave, till I took a conscious decision to overcome it with the strength that Jesus assures, when we confess and ask Him to help us.

 Do you also find yourself in this trap today?
 Do circumstances in your work place demand you to speak lies?
 Do you find it so convenient to get your work done by lying, thinking its ok?
Maybe the world around us makes it look like lying is actually not an issue, as long as it helps someone and that “a white lie is ok!” But let me remind you of what the Bible has to tell about ‘lying’.

• “The Lord detests lying lips, but He delights in men who are truthful” Prov 12:22
• “You destroy those who tell lies” Ps 5:6
• “But…the liars – their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.” Rev 21:8

Remember what happened to Elisha’s servant, Gehazi, when he lied to his master? The Bible records that the same leprosy that left Naaman, stuck to Gehazi and he became a leper! II Kings 5:25-27. This is how serious the Bible is about lying. And it is sad, how we have taken it so lightly today. Yes it’s true we are living in the grace period, but we cannot afford to take God’s grace for granted.

• “Whoever of you loves life and desire to see many good days , Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.” Ps 34:12, 13.
• “Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live in your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous Who speaks the truth from his heart.” Ps 15:1,2.

Yes-Yes No-No Principle
I would like draw your attention to a simple and effective solution the Bible gives us to abstain from lying. Hold on to this and practice it.
Simply, let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’, ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
 ~ Mat 5:37 
This is given by Jesus when He talks about taking oaths. But then if you can practice this truly, you will find that there is no more opportunity for lying. Make a firm and conscious decision that you will not flinch or succumb to the situation, no matter how demanding it is.

You will agree with me that when you tell one lie, to support it you will end up vomiting a hundred other lies. And when this goes on, slowly it becomes a regular behavior. Then this regular behavior becomes a strong habit. Habits later become part of your character. Character builds your lifestyle. And finally your lifestyle decides your destiny.

So I urge you today my friend, that you would sit back and introspect to see if lying is a virus in your life too. As the psalmist prayed, I would encourage you to pray, saying,

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, And lead in the way everlasting.
 (Ps 139:23,24)

If the Lord convicts you, would you humbly confess your weakness before Him? Do you choose to break free from the chains of lie?

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
 I John 1:9

 ~ Azariah Jerry Manuel